Donald Trump clapping.

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The Washington Post called out Trump’s global warming tweet before he even made it

This Twitter weather account is good at predictions.


Josh Katzowitz


The Washington Post’s weather reporting Twitter account is apparently really good at predicting… dumb weather-related tweets from the president.

Twenty-eight hours before President Donald Trump implied that global warming is a good thing on Thursday evening, the @capitalweather account forecasted this weather report that contained a wintry mix of frozen insults and snark.

A day later, Trump tweeted this.

But this isn’t a new tactic for Trump, who once called global warming a hoax invented by the Chinese to hurt U.S. manufacturing. The administration also recently decided that climate change was no longer one of this country’s national security concerns.

Well, maybe Trump believes what he says about global warming. Or maybe he doesn’t.

As CNBC recently reported, a Trump golf course in Ireland recently won approval to build a seawall because of the erosion caused by high ocean waves and rain. As CNBC wrote, “the original application for the wall cited global warming and rising seas as a reason for needing the wall” although the application that was eventually approved reportedly did not mention global warming.

Trump is also being dragged for apparently not understanding the difference between weather and climate. As the New York Times reminded him, “To use an analogy Mr. Trump might appreciate, weather is how much money you have in your pocket today, whereas climate is your net worth. A billionaire who has forgotten his wallet one day is not poor, anymore than a poor person who lands a windfall of several hundred dollars is suddenly rich. What matters is what happens over the long term.”

Just as there’s a Trump tweet for everything, now people are getting to the point where they can predict, with stunning accuracy, what he’s going to say before he logs on to Twitter for the day.

H/T Dan Diamond 

The Daily Dot