Paul Altidor and Donald Trump

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Trump denies ‘sh*thole’ comments as world erupts over racist debate

Trump denied the exact comments, but not the sentiment.


David Covucci


The furor over President Donald Trump’s reported “shithole” comments exploded Thursday night as the United Nations condemned the U.S. president as racist and the Haitian ambassador called for an apology.

The Washington Post reported that the president called Haiti, El Salvador, and unspecified African countries “shithole” nations during a discussion over immigration reform with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). This morning, the president denied he used the language.

In a press conference, Durbin said the president used the “vile” language “repeatedly,” and called the president out for lying on Twitter about his words

BREAKING: Democrat Sen. Durbin, who was in meeting with Pres. Trump: “He said these hate-filled things.”

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 12, 2018

The president reiterated that he never said anything derogatory.

The president’s initial denial came as he lashed out online at Democrats over their stances on immigration.

The comments from the president sparked an immediate and intense backlash from numerous organization, people, and nations.

Rep. Mia Love of Utah, a Haitian-American Republican from Utah, called on the president to apologize.

“The [president’s] comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values,” Love said. “The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.”

Other members of Congress were even more unrestrained in their anger at the president. On MSNBC, Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.) called Trump someone who could lead the KKK.

“Today is going to be a very memorial day,” Gutiérrez said. “And that’s saying a lot in the Donald Trump presidency because we now know that we have in the White House someone who could lead the Ku Klux Klan in the United States of America.”

This is reportedly the second derogatory comment the president has made about Haiti in just the past few weeks. In December, Axios reported Trump said that all Haitians have “AIDS.” While the White House issued a pointed denial after that report, when reached by the Post last night to ask about his “shithole,” comment, they did not deny Trump’s language

In response, the ambassador to Haiti condemned Trump in an interview.

Meanwhile, a U.N. spokesperson for human rights issued a harsh statement calling Trump’s words racist.

“If confirmed these are shocking and shameful comments from the President of the United States,” Rupert Coleville said. “There is no other word you can use but ‘racist’. You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘s***holes,’ whose entire populations who are not white, are therefore not welcome.”

The fact that Trump reportedly requested people from Norway revived the debate over whether the president is racist. While he has been publicly calling for a “merit-based” system of reform, his private comments reflect something more sinister, as noted online.

Norway is a country with a predominantly white population, while the countries referred to in Trump’s comments are populated predominantly by people of color. Which, as pointed out in a viral thread, fits a pattern for the president.

Trump, in a press conference in February 2017, called himself the “least racist person” ever.

This article has been updated.  

The Daily Dot