trump putin pee tape tweet

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Trump defends Russia before summit announcement

The meeting between the two leaders is set for July.


David Covucci


President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16.

The two have met before, at the G20 summit last year, but this will be the first extended meeting, and they will reportedly discuss a “range of national security issues.” In advance of the announcement, the president used his morning tweetstorm to tell people that Russia said the country was not involved in in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The widely accepted consensus among U.S. intelligence agencies is that Russia engaged in a disinformation campaign to sway American voters.

While Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that Russia engaging in election interference would be on Trump’s agenda during the summit, the president, when asked in the Oval Office yesterday, said that you “never know” what happens in meetings.

As news of the summit broke, and with the nearly simultaneous and curiously timed proclamation by Trump that Russia did not mettle in the election, Twitter had one question: Would Trump and Putin talk about the compromising information that possibly exists of the president.

You know, the pee tape?

Literally every news organization that tweeted about the summit got a pee tape tweet in response. What a world.

The Daily Dot