Donald Trump Jr., the son of President Donald Trump, said he believes the anonymous op-ed in the New York Times was written by a 'very low-level person.'

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff/Flickr (CC-BY) Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Trump Jr. has a theory about who wrote the anonymous op-ed

He also blasted the author of the anonymous op-ed.


Andrew Wyrich


Donald Trump Jr. said on Tuesday that his father, President Donald Trump, trusts a “smaller group” of people within his administration as tensions have flared in the wake of the anonymous op-ed written in the New York Times that claimed there are staffers who have worked to contain the president.

Speaking with ABC News on Good Morning America, Trump Jr. suggested that the “senior official” who wrote the op-ed was actually a “very low-level person.”

“It’s pretty disgusting, that’s pretty sad,” he told the news outlet, adding: “Perhaps its a disgruntled person who’s been thrown out because they didn’t deliver on what they were supposed to do.”

The Times described the writer as a “senior official in the Trump administration,” suggesting they are still employed.

In the wake of the op-ed, numerous officials have denied being its author, however Trump Jr. said the president has a “much smaller group” of people he believes he can trust.

“I think there are people in there that he can trust, it’s just–it’s a much smaller group than I would like it to be,” he said.

The news outlet reports that he also suggested that the Justice Department investigate who penned the op-ed, adding that the “resistance” inside the White House that the author claimed was active was “subverting the will of the people.”

During the interview, the president’s son also touched on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, the prominence (and alleged bias) of Google, and the 2018 midterms.

You can read more about ABC News’s interview here.


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