CNN Trump

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CNN lays out every wild Trump story from the past 4 weeks

It’s been a bonkers month.


Ramon Ramirez


President Donald Trump has had a particularly loud and combative summer. As CNN’s Brooke Baldwin pointed out on Friday, these past four weeks have been a nonstop series of tense headlines, as POTUS pivots, embellishes, hires, and fires with all the vigor of, well, his storied run on reality TV.

Try to catch your breath.

In the past four weeks Trump has:

  • Fired Steve Bannon.
  • Fired Reince Preibus.
  • Hired John Kelly.
  • Hired Anthony Scaramucci.
  • Fired Anthony Scaramucci.
  • Hired a fourth communications director.
  • Publicly shamed Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
  • Been on the losing side of the healthcare reform push.
  • Attacked Republicans who didn’t help him repeal and replace Obamacare.
  • Tweeted a ban on transgender military service members.
  • Delivered a heated and combative speech in front of… boy scouts.
  • Fabricated a conversation with Mexico’s president.
  • Thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for booting Americans from Russia.
  • Signed on to Russian sanctions.
  • Condemned, and then endorsed, leaks at the White House.
  • Encouraged police officers to rough up suspects during arrests.
  • Shamed Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) publicly.
  • Threatened North Korea with nuclear war.
  • Told Guam that threats from North Korea will boost tourism.
  • Threatened Venezuela.
  • Blamed “both sides” during white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia.
  • Said that Nazis are “fine people.”
  • Said that George Washington and Robert E. Lee are comparable political leaders.
  • Publicly shamed the CEOs who left his business councils.
  • Disbanded his business councils.
  • Plugged his Charlottesville winery.
  • Been at odds with a who’s who of international leaders, including the pope.

Here’s hoping September brings nuanced discussions of layered policies, and peace.

The Daily Dot