Ted Cruz Space Force Space Pirates Twitter Jack

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Ted Cruz pleads with Twitter to share reasonable discourse about ‘space pirates’

He wanted to know why only ‘snarky leftists’ were included in the Twitter Moment.


Andrew Wyrich


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) complained to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey late Wednesday that only “snarky leftists” were included in a Twitter Moment about comments he made about needing to protect against space pirates.

“Hey @jack how come Twitter’s ‘moment’ quotes all the snarky leftists making fun of my comments, but doesn’t include my tweets in response explaining the real point that NATIONS like China have already developed & tested weapons to destroy satellites?” the senator wrote on Twitter late Wednesday night.

The Texas senator warned of space pirates during a Senate Commerce Committee subcommittee hearing on Tuesday.

“Pirates threaten the open seas, and the same is possible in space,” Cruz said during the hearing. “In this same way, I believe we too must now recognize the necessity of a Space Force to defend the nation and to protect space commerce and civil space exploration.”

The complaint from Cruz tracks with complaints among conservatives that social media companies have a bias against them. The White House launched a portal on Wednesday for social media users to log instances of what they believe is bias on the various platforms.

That being said, Cruz’s complaint—like his initial comments—was mocked widely online.


The Daily Dot