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Explosive devices sent to Obama, Clinton instantly branded as leftist hoaxes by the far right

The threat against Susan Collins, however, was obviously a lib.


David Covucci


Earlier this month, after Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, a package with white powder was sent to her house.

Conservatives immediately branded it as part of an out-of-control leftist mob terrorizing America.



So today, when packages which contained potential explosive devices were intercepted on their way to Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama—coming on the heels of an explosive device planted outside the home of George Soros—it seems like the logical conclusion would be that it was the action of a far-righter spurred to violence.

Right? Nope. Not if you are on the far right, at least.

Instead of agreeing that potentially political violence is capable on both sides of the spectrum, the bombs instantly were branded as political stunts by ultra-conservatives.




Over on Reddit’s r/The_Donald, threads cropped up even calling it a Deep State plot.



In the run-up to the 2018 midterms, conservatives have been adamantly painting liberals as a frenzied mob incapable of ruling. That someone may be attacking liberal figures now is counter to that narrative, which is why it was swiftly dismissed as false, instead of even being allowed an air of possibility.

After initial news of the reports broke, it was also revealed that other packages were addressed to the White House and CNN’s office in New York. After the White House was included, notable conservatives suddenly spoke out against the packages.


The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr. even defended CNN.

Of course, Trump Jr. has been just as instrumental in pushing the argument about a leftist mob overrunning America.

However, it turns out reports of a third package to the White House were false.

There’s no evidence about who was behind any of these attacks, but rushing to judgment in service of their cause is a staunch principle of the far-right.

The Daily Dot