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Postmates is about to start testing a Starbucks delivery service

Caffeine addiction delivered daily. What more could you want?


Mike Wehner


For those with a daily Starbucks ritual, running late in the morning often means settling for whatever coffee-type liquid you’re able to scrounge up at your home or office. That first-world problem is about to meet its end, thanks to a partnership between the coffee giant and delivery startup Postmates

Postmates, the savior of many a lazy foodie, announced on Wednesday that it would soon begin delivering food and drink ordered from the Starbucks app. When a customer places an order, the information is forwarded to a local Starbucks store, where it will be ready for pickup and delivery when the Postmates courier arrives.

The service is scheduled to roll out no sooner than “the second half of 2015,” meaning you’ll have to wait until at least June—and that’s only if you’re in Seattle. As Postmates isn’t available nationwide, the pilot program for Starbucks delivery will begin in the coffee company’s hometown before expanding elsewhere if all goes well. 

This isn’t the first time a startup has tried to partner with Starbucks on a delivery service., which launched in 1998 and is considered one of the better-known victims of the tech bubble, offered free one-hour deliveries of many small items and specifically promoted its Starbucks delivery. The company collapsed after just three years.

For all our sakes, let’s hope Postmates doesn’t suffer the same fate.

Photo via Postmates

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