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Sarah Palin gets dunked on for mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Twitter was ready to push back.


Andrew Wyrich


Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin joined a number of conservatives who tried to mock congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for making a verbal mistake during a video.

Palin, like other Republicans, pointed out that Ocasio-Cortez said “three chambers of government,” when she clearly meant “three branches of government” during a video.

“YIKES: Ocasio-Cortez Fumbles Basic Civics TWICE In 1 Statement,” the former Alaska governor wrote on Monday afternoon.

The link led to a blog post about Ocasio-Cortez’s mistake on

Of course, Palin pointing out stumbles from Ocasio-Cortez was seen as ironic by many people, who reminded her of the numerous gaffes she made while a member of the 2008 Republican presidential ticket.

The highlights people included were: not being able to name news sources she reads, talking about Alaska’s proximity to Russia, and her aides claiming she thought Africa was a country.

Palin’s tweet was thoroughly ratioed, getting more than 9,200 replies compared to just 1,200 retweets and 3,000 likes.

Following the verbal mistake, Ocasio-Cortez hit back against conservatives for “drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips.”


The Daily Dot