James Comey and Donald Trump

Photo via FBI Photo via Paul Hakimata Photography/Shutterstock.com (Licensed)

Get ready for an all-out Republican assault on James Comey

Here’s how the GOP is going to attack Comey, according to their own talking points.


Andrew Wyrich


As Washington awaits the conclusion of FBI Director James Comey’s testimony on Thursday morning, the Republican National Committee (RNC) is already planning on how to go on the offensive.

The attacks began before Comey even testified—when the Great American Alliance, a pro-Donald Trump group, launched an attack ad against the former FBI director, criticizing him of “putting politics over protecting America.”

The official GOP Twitter account also joined in on the assault—but it didn’t get the kind of viral sensation they were probably hoping for.

According to talking points on Comey’s testimony developed by the RNC, which CNN published, the plan moving forward seems to be insisting that President Trump “knew firing Comey would be detrimental to his presidency,” but “knew it was the right thing to do for the country.”

Of course, part of the defense strategy includes two of Trump’s favorite punching bags: the media and Democrats.

“According to former FBI Director James Comey’s prepared testimony, he will confirm what Democrats and the media have been denying for weeks: that Comey did in fact tell the president three times that he was not under investigation,” the talking points read.

Echoing that tune, the talking points also drill down on the “left and the media” using the ongoing probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible ties between the country and Trump’s campaign as a “means to obstruct the president’s agenda.”

“It’s time to get back to the real issues,” the document reads, adding that a recent study found 89 percent of broadcast news coverage of Trump has been “negative.”

The RNC’s response should not be a surprise, according to CNN, as White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus served as chairman of the organization in the past.

The RNC has begun briefing members of Congress, members of state parties, and surrogates in preparation for Comey’s hearing, CNN reported.

The Daily Dot