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Trump rants about Russia on Twitter after watching some Fox News

The ‘I don’t watch TV’ president is watching TV this morning.


David Covucci


President Donald Trump—who would like you to know he doesn’t have time to watch television—spent his morning parroting Fox News experts on his Twitter feed, about how none of them saw any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.

Trump, who just lost an appeal to the Supreme Court over his decision to end DACA and is facing a sweeping gun-control movement, is instead using his pulpit to undermine an investigation into him, by both Congress and the Justice Department, which has indicted four Americans and 13 foreign actors.

It’s the 25th time on Twitter he’s called it a “witch hunt” since taking office.

Trump also cited the experts Fox News trotted out, to further his argument that the entire government is conspiring against him. Ken Starr, who knows something about forming a completely politicized case against a president, said he doesn’t see anything there.

Trump watched Jonathan Turley, a legal scholar who once described Barack Obama as a “danger to the Constitution” say something similar, and let the nation know what Turley said.

And Trump shared the words of Judge Andrew Napolitano, who is a fan of 9/11 conspiracies, with the public.

(He also tagged the wrong Judge Andrew Napolitano.)

Over the weekend, Trump blasted the Democratic rebuttal to the Republican FISA memo, which alleged a conspiracy against the president in the upper echelon of the FBI: “A lot of bad things happened on the other side, not on this side, but the other side. And somebody should look into it because what they did was really fraudulent.”

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