president obama

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Obama reportedly zings Trump by bragging about Obamacare

Little support has been shown for the Republican’s failed proposed alternative to Obamacare.


Anastassia Gliadkovskaya


At a private event Thursday, Barack Obama remarked that polls show his healthcare plan remains more popular than the current sitting president, according to a person in the room who paraphrased the comment for CNN.

The event was hosted by the A&E network, and was closed to the press. Author and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin interviewed the former president, with a Q&A lasting about an hour. Obama is not wrong.

In a CNN poll, 36 percent of people say they are satisfied with how Trump is handling healthcare policy; 47 percent say they favor Obamacare. In another recent Gallup poll, 55 percent say they approve of Obamacare. As of Thursday, more people disapprove of Trump (52 percent) than they approve of him (43 percent), with a margin of error at approximately three points, Gallup polls show.

Very little support has been shown for the Republican’s failed proposed alternative to Obamacare, the American Health Care Act. According to a Quinnipiac poll, only 17 percent support this alternative.

A new version of the bill was drafted this week, but has not yet received a vote from the House.

H/T Yahoo

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