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President’s straightforward counter-attack gets big traction

An unusual approach to negative campaigning resonates.


Jennifer Abel


An Obama campaign video refuting Mitt Romney’s latest anti-Obama attack ad is getting unusually high approval—and shares—because of its unusually straightforward style.

Last month, a group called Americans for Prosperity, funded by the controversial Koch Brothers., released an anti-Obama TV commercial that aired in eight states.

The Obama campaign responded on May 2 with its own video. Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter made a point-by-point refutation of Americans for Prosperity’s accusations and asked supporters to spread the news online: “So we’re gonna call their BS when we see it. And we need your help to call them on it too […] So share this, tweet it, Facebook it; I keep hearing about Tumblr and whatever that is, please use that too. And thank you, for all of your help.”

Thus far, thousands of Obama supporters have done as asked, though the usual anti-Obama blogs have ignored the video.

Lorenzo, who keeps the Spark Alaska blog on Tumblr, called Cutter’s video “The best campaign counter-attack video I HAVE EVER SEEN.” The campaign appreciated Lorenzo’s sentiments and linked back to Lorenzo’s post from the official Obama campaign Tumblr blog.

Blog Activate the Mechanism also liked the video, and over a hundred other Tumblr blogs reposted his explanation why:

“…The Obama reelection campaign, has responded quickly and, to my mind, very effectively. This response video is pretty unusual. It features OFA deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter talking plainly and simply about the lies in the ad. […] And, yes, Stephanie Cutter uses the phrase “BS”. Hallelujah!”

Support was similarly strong on Twitter. “More of this, please. Stephanie Cutter, OFA campaign, responds immediately to lying Koch ad, calling it” BS.”” @Chernynkaya tweeted in one typical response.

The only criticism—extremely mild criticism at that—was a couple chuckles over Cutter’s apparent unfamiliarity with Tumblr. For example, the Penny Arcade forum has a 92-page mega-thread titled “I {Heart} Stephanie Cutter.” But commenter jdarksun said, “Awesome video right up until the end: ‘I keep hearing about Tumblr, and whatever that is, use that too.’ Lol”.

Blogger Jasmined made a similar remark when she told her readers: “Can’t decide which is my favorite: “So we’re gonna call their BS when we see it.” or ”I keep hearing about Tumblr and whatever that is, please use that too.” “

But for the most part, Cutter’s apparent gaffe was largely ignored. Chances are, if you hear someone talking about the video, it’s somebody who likes it.

Photo via YouTube

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