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Bloomberg is not in tonight’s debate, is doing weird Italian tweets instead

What does Italian food have to do with this?


David Covucci


Despite spending ungodly sums of money in the past month of the Democratic primary (including almost $1 million a day on Facebook ads alone), former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg did not qualify for tonight’s Democratic debate.

It’s the second debate he’s missed qualifying for since announcing his candidacy. And it’s left people wondering just what the hell he’s doing. Is he running a completely aimless vanity project or somehow secretly courting delegates to set up a brokered convention?

One person who doesn’t know what they’re doing is Bloomberg’s social media team, who instead of posting snippets of Bloomberg zingers at tonight’s debate is making weird tweets about Italian food and comparing the NRA to pasta.

They say money can’t buy taste. It also can’t buy savvy social media, because we’re getting tweets like this on an almost unlimited budget.

And at a time when billionaires are being vilified, it might not be best to make flippant tweets about wasting his wealth at the dog track.

Maybe they should let him into the next debate, if only so he’ll stop.


The Daily Dot