michael avenatti jacob wohl surefire

JStone/Shutterstock @MichaelAvenatti/Twitter (Licensed)

Michael Avenatti accuses Jacob Wohl of being behind domestic violence arrest

Avenatti is looping the noted troll into his arrest narrative.


David Covucci


Last night, attorney Michael Avenatti—who rose to fame representing Stormy Daniels against President Donald Trump—was arrested on domestic violence charges.

He was released this morning, and already began spinning a web of conspiracies about it.

In a tweet this morning, Avenatti called his arrest the work of Jacob Wohl, the 20-year-old Trump troll, who was revealed a couple weeks ago to be behind a smear against Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

“First Mueller and now me,” Avenatti tweeted. “When we are fully exonerated I am coming for you Jacob Wohl aka Surefire.”

In his tweet, Avenatti mentions Surefire Intelligence, the fraudulent detective firm revealed to be a front Wohl used to try and smear Mueller.

While Avenattti is welcome to spin any conspiracy he wants, for Wohl to have masterminded this, he would have somehow duped the Los Angeles Police Department so thoroughly, that they felt they had grounds to make the arrest of one of most high-profile people on the internet right now.

Wohl, it should be noted, does live in Los Angeles and his father was an attorney in L.A.

Avenatti did not respond to a request for comment about his accusations.

The Daily Dot