Brett Kavanaugh opening statement.


Kavanaugh begins opening statement with anger, criticism, outrage

Twitter felt Kavanaugh’s testimony was a stark contrast to Ford’s.


Andrew Wyrich


Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh came out angry on Thursday afternoon, defending himself just hours after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford gave an emotional testimony recounting an alleged sexual assault that took place when the two of them were in high school.

In his opening remarks, Kavanaugh shouted at the Senate Judiciary Committee—particularly at Democrats, who he implied stoked negative reactions after his nomination hearings several weeks ago.

“This is a circus, the consequences will extend long past my nomination,” he said. “The consequences will be us for decades. This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade competent and good people from all political persuasions from serving our country.”

In the opening statement, Kavanaugh denied Ford’s allegations and choked up when discussing his daughter telling him that they should pray for her, among several other times.

The full-throated remarks stood in stark contrast to Ford’s testimony to people online, who felt that her testimony was emotional and provoking.

Other people on Twitter said the force of Kavanaugh’s opening statement would have been taken differently if Ford had done the same.

Kavanaugh concluded his opening remarks by swearing before the committee, “my family and God,” that he denied Ford’s allegations.


The Daily Dot