Tony Hovater, the white nationalist who was at the center of a New York Times profile last week, is asking for money following a job loss and home loss following the article’s publication.

Screengrab via GoyFundMe

White nationalist profiled by the NYT is now out of a job and crowdfunding on an anti-Semitic site

The page has more than $6,000 in donations.


Andrew Wyrich


Tony Hovater, the white nationalist who was at the center of a New York Times profile last week, is asking for money following a recent job loss.

The fundraising campaign is hosted on “Goy Fund Me,” an anti-Semitic riff on the popular Go Fund Me website. The posting says Hovater and his wife are “suddenly without an income and are going to have to leave their home” since the publication of the Times’ article.

As of Wednesday evening, more than $6,000 had been raised for Hovater. The original goal was $1,000.

The website boasts that it is a “crowdfunding experience free from political or social censorship” and is run by the Traditionalist Worker Party, ThinkProgress reports. The Traditionalist Worker Party “is a white nationalist group that advocates for racially pure nations and communities and blames Jews for many of the world’s problems,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

On Tuesday, the Twitter account for Goy Fund Me said Hovater had been “run through the leftist gauntlet” and pleaded with its followers to “give generously this holiday season.”

Most of the ongoing fundraisers on the website are for things like Unite the Right, the organizers of so-called “alt-right” and white nationalist rallies, and legal defense funds for people associated with the white supremacy rally in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this year.

The Times was forced to respond to the swift critical response of the profile, after hundreds of people balked at its publication, with some arguing it normalized white supremacists.  

You can read all of ThinkProgress’ report on the fundraising attempt here.

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