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Raising Cain on Twitter (infographic)

Lambasted by his fellow Republican candidates during Tuesday’s debate, Herman Cain proves the winner on Twitter.


Fernando Alfonso III


During Tuesday nights Republican debate, seven presidential hopfuls took the stage to try and convince the American people why they should be the next leader of the free world.

They did so by pointing a lot of fingers, making a lot of insults and focusing on “small things instead of the biggest issue,” reported Fox News.

So in the end, who won the debate?

According to Twitter, the winner was businessman Herman Cain, who became the GOP front runner last week when he edged out former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Cain or his official Twitter account, @thehermancain, were mentioned about 15,412 times Tuesday night during the debate, according to statistics from Topsy, a social media search engine. Many of the tweets mentioning Cain were in response to the shellacking his 9-9-9 economic plan received from the other candidates.

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann was one of the candidates critical of Cain’s plan. Even though she put up a bit of a fight during the debate, she was certainly not the “The Comeback Kid,” as the Daily Beast incorrectly dubbed her. She was only mentioned on Twitter 5,562 times, nearly three times less than Cain.

Below is a graphical representation of each candidate and how many times their name or Twitter profile were mentioned during Tuesday’s debate.


Feature illustration by DonkeyHotey; infographic by Mathew Sisson for the Daily Dot

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