fox news graphic

The Guardian/Fox News

Fox News is the least trusted name in news—according to Fox News

This is awkward.


David Covucci


During a segment on the media pushing “fake news,” Fox News accidentally aired a graphic which showed that, among media organizations, Fox News’ trustworthiness lags significantly behind CNN and MSNBC.

The graphic showed that people tended to trust mainstream media outlets more than President Donald Trump, and that CNN and MSBNC had much higher credibility.

The graphic came up as host Howard Kurtz talked about a poll that asked whether the media made up stories to push an agenda.

“That is not the graphic we are looking for,” Kurtz said. “Hold off. Take that down, please.”

Kurtz did come back to the graphic later, not really addressing how far behind Fox was compared to other networks, but saying that 37 percent of people trusted Fox and Trump equally, which was higher than other news organizations.

In a Facebook post about the graphic—which was covered by a number of news organizations—Kurtz called the response “embarrassing” and a journalistic “distortion,” noting how he addressed the graphic later on in his show.

This story has been updated. 

The Daily Dot