Donald Trump Syria mission accomplished

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Donald Trump used an old George W. Bush phrase, and Twitter immediately mocks him

What could go wrong now?


Josh Katzowitz


One of the most widely mocked moments of the George W. Bush presidency occurred in 2003 when he stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln and delivered a speech on the success of the Iraq invasion with a huge “Mission Accomplished” banner placed behind him.

Eight years later, the U.S. was still entangled in the Iraq conflict, and Bush never lived down his statement.

Apparently, President Donald Trump doesn’t have those concerns following Friday night’s military strike in Syria. This is what Trump tweeted Saturday morning.

That last line certainly caught Twitter’s attention.

Even Bush’s press secretary cautioned against the use of the term.

For the record, Bush regretted being associated with that phrase.

“Clearly, putting a ‘mission accomplished’ on an aircraft carrier was a mistake,” Bush said, via U.S. News and World Report. “It sent the wrong message. We were trying to say something differently but, nevertheless, it conveyed a different message.”

Either Trump doesn’t remember Bush’s “mission accomplished” disaster or he doesn’t care. Regardless, it’s hard to imagine that this will be the last time the U.S. has a military response for Syria, and it’s impossible to imagine that people will forget Trump’s bold proclamation.

The Daily Dot