Donald Trump John Bolton

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John Bolton becomes the most uncomfortable resistance hero yet

Bolton reportedly had reservations about what was happening with Ukraine.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump has floated the idea that his former national security adviser John Bolton is behind a number of leaks, according to a new report.

The Daily Beast reports, citing sources, that Trump has speculated and suggested that Bolton “was behind one of the anonymous accounts” that said Bolton was uncomfortable with Trump and Rudy Giuliani’s efforts with Ukraine.

The Ukraine issue is at the center of a growing call to impeach the president for suggesting that Ukraine’s president should look into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son.

“[Trump] was clearly implying [it, saying] something to the effect of, ‘Oh, gee, I wonder who the source on that could be,” a source told the Daily Beast.

Bolton left the Trump administration in September, with the president saying he “disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions” and asked for his adviser’s resignation. Meanwhile, Bolton said he offered to resign the day before Trump announced it on Twitter.

While Bolton told the Daily Beast last month that it was “flatly incorrect” that he was behind any leaks, it has been reported that he may have had reservations about Trump’s actions with Ukraine.

On Monday, the New York Times noted that Bolton told an aide to alert White House lawyers about efforts to push Ukraine into investigating Democrats.

Bolton apparently also had it out for Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who has become ensnared in the Ukraine probe, referring to the lawyer’s schemes as a “drug deal” and calling Giuliani a “hand grenade.”

Bolton is reportedly writing a book about his time in the Trump administration, Axios reported last week.

Bolton’s name popping up in numerous reports seemed to catch a number of people online by surprise.

That Bolton specifically had it out for Giuliani, who has increasingly comical as the center of these possible nefarious acts, was even funnier.


The Daily Dot