Donald Trump 2020 Campaign Ad on First 100 Days

Screenshot via Donald J Trump for President/YouTube

Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign releases ad touting ‘rarely seen’ 100 days success

President Donald Trump is already preparing to make America great again, again.


Andrew Couts


President Donald Trump is already preparing to make America great again, again.

The Trump campaign on Monday released an ad with a $1.5 million media buy, which touts the president’s first 100 days in office. It also marks the first ad buy of the 2020 presidential election that remains 1,282 days away.

The ad highlights the successful nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s executive actions slashing federal regulations, and the “biggest tax cut plan in history”— a reference to the White House’s one-page tax plan released late last month that has not yet been considered by Congress.

Trump’s first 100 days, which ended on Saturday, have seen no major legislative victories and the signing of nearly 80 executive orders, more than any other president in that time period.

In a statement, the Trump campaign said the ad was part of the president’s effort to circumvent the media and take his message straight to the people and to fight back “against the continued media bias.”

The 30-second ad will air on television in “major markets,” the campaign said, as well as online, where it will be served to targeted groups of voters.

Trump’s approval rating has been stuck in the low 40s, and he currently has an average of 42.8 percent approval, according to Real Clear Politics.

The Daily Dot