don eric

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Donald Jr., Eric Trump smash the ‘like’ button on this week’s Russia news

Their likes tell a story today.


David Covucci


The humble Twitter “like”: It’s less incriminating than an outright tweet, more subtle than retweet, and used by a number of people on Twitter to signal agreement and support in a taciturn way.

Except when you are the president’s children—because then everyone sees your Twitter favs.

Eric and Donald Trump Jr. were wearing out the Twitter like on Friday to push back against the evergreen story that their family is a consortium of corruption criminality and foreign influence.

After President Donald Trump‘s longtime fixer Michael Cohen pled guilty to campaign finance law violations earlier this week, his lawyer Lanny Davis made a claim that Cohen was in the room when Trump Jr. told his father about the infamous Russia-Trump Tower meeting.

Davis walked that story back on Friday, saying he misrepresented it.

That was backed up in a statement on the matter by Senate Intelligence Committee heads Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.), who said Cohen testified he wasn’t sure if Trump was aware of the matter.

“Mr. Cohen had testified before the committee that he was not aware of the meeting prior to its disclosure in the press last summer,” the statement said.

There’s a possibility Cohen lied to Congress, but regardless, the Trump brothers have been feverishly liking tweets on the subject and the reporting around the story. Here’s the string of Tweets liked by Eric.

And here’s avid Twitter user Donald Jr.’s likes.

While these likes won’t hold up in a court of law as proof there wasn’t any collusion between Trump and Russia, the Trump bros. are surely happy half of Twitter has their back.

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