Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren Yelling Meme

Biden yelling at Warren becomes relatable workplace meme

Others are calling it a ‘bad look.’


Andrew Wyrich


During Tuesday night’s 2020 Democratic debate, it was clear many of the candidates believed it was time to push back at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who has jumped in the polls in recent weeks.

And while candidates like former Rep. Beto O’Rourke and Mayor Pete Buttigieg took shots at various points in the debate, the other presumed front runner, former Vice President Joe Biden, also jumped in–leading to one moment getting criticized and becoming the subject of jokes.

Twitter user @TheWayWithAnoa asked people to caption a moment where Biden is pointing and yelling in the direction of Warren.

The captured moment came when Warren was talking about creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Biden then jumped in yelling: “I went on the floor and got you votes. I got votes for that bill. I convinced people to vote for it. So let’s get those things straight too.”

Soon enough, many people came up with jokes about it:

Other people also commented on the moment during the debate–with some calling it a “bad look.”


The Daily Dot