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The FBI’s 20 favorite articles about Barrett Brown

The U.S. government has great taste in journalism. Here are the 20 articles it selected as evidence against Barrett Brown.


Dell Cameron


A media gag was recently ordered by a federal judge in the federal case against journalist Barrett Brown. Under the order, neither Brown Brown nor his attorney are permitted to speak to members of the press on matters related to his case. Brown is still allowed to continue publishing his work from behind bars, but he’s no longer allowed to comment on the charges against him. 

I attended the gag order hearing on September 4 and listened as the U.S. government spoke candidly about the journalists who’ve covered Brown’s case. Twenty articles were admitted into evidence from various writers and websites. Much to my surprise, the U.S. government has great taste in journalism. I’ve collected the online articles it selected as evidence against Barrett Brown for your reading pleasure. 

Here’s your summer reading list. Enjoy!

Brought to you by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Barbra Streisand, and readers like you. 

1) The Cyberintelligence Complex and Its Useful Idiots

Barrett Brown, the Guardian

2) Reading ‘Born Again’ in Jail

Barrett Brown, VICE

3) Jailhouse Letter From Barrett Brown

Tim Rodgers, D-Magazine

4) The Saga of Barrett Brown: Inside Anonymous and the War on Secrecy

Christian Stork, Who What Why

5) How Barrett Brown Went From Anonymous PR to Federal Target

Ryan Gallagher, the Guardian

6) The Persecution of Barrett Brown and How to Fight It

Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian

7) Weev, the Hacker Who Didn’t Hack AT&T 

Vivien Weisman, Huffington Post

8) We Spoke to Barrett Brown From Prison 

Patrick McGuire, VICE

9) Hactivists as Gadflies 

Peter Ludlow, the New York Times

10) Barrett Brown Update: New Defense Team, Feds Fish for Activists

Christian Stork, Who What Why

11) Is Anonymous Hactivist Barrett Brown a Journalist? His Supporters Say So.

Eric Nicholson, Dallas Observer

12) The Strange Case of Barrett Brown

Peter Ludlow, the Nation

13) Barrett Brown Shone Light on the Murky World of Security Contractors

Arun Bupta, the Guardian

14) Barrett Brown, Political Prisoner of The Information Revolution

Kevin Gallagher, the Guardian

15) Barrett Brown vs. the Private Intelligence Business

Peter Ludlow, Huffington Post

16) Barrett Brown Awaits Trial on Spurious Charges in Texas

Kevin Gallagher, Huffington Post

17) Connections Between Michael Hastings, Edward Snowden and Barrett Brown

Christian Storke, Who What Why

18) The Strange Case of Barrett Brown Just Got Stranger

Vivien Weisman, Huffington Post

19) The Government Wants Media Gag for Barrett Brown

Natasha Lennard, Salon

20) Barrett Brown Faces 105 Years in Jail

Alexander Zaitchik, Rolling Stone

Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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