trump family


Aubrey O’Day, Trump Jr.’s ex, is dishing SECRETS right now

Take them with a grain of salt but hoo boy.


David Covucci


Given that the second presidential debate has featured a mute button, there’s been much fewer flare-ups and drama on-stage.

But online things are heating up.

The tea, as the folks say, is hot.

At Thursday’s debate, early on, the conversation pivoted to former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, and his dealings in Ukraine and China, which have been at the center of an online fury for the past week.

Upset, apparently, that the Biden family was brought up, singer Aubrey O’Day went for the jugular. She had an affair with Donald Trump Jr. on the set of the Celebrity Apprentice, and even wrote a song about them.

And on Twitter Thursday night, she decided to SPILL.

“since trump has now lowered this debate to trashing family
-don jr HATES his father.
-ivanka is a lesbian on the low.
-eric fucked miss universe on the apprentice board room table while with his now wife. #Debates2020,” O’DAy wrote.

She didn’t stop there, also going after Trump’s teenage son.

“I have texts of don jr telling me what a little shit asshole barron is. That they were on the private jet and barron didn’t like his food so he threw the plate across the plane at the attendant. NONE of these people are INNOCENT of being assholes & liars!” she wrote.

Given that she doesn’t have evidence for it, it’s worth taking with a grain of salt. But the internet was nevertheless blown away.

Again, it may not be true, but it’s juicer than anything else in the debate tonight.

The Daily Dot