People are trolling #AskMollyHale, the CIA's 'public voice' on Twitter.


#AskMollyHale: The CIA is now taking questions on Twitter—and everyone’s trolling

The CIA says it won’t respond to ‘conspiracy theories.’


Kris Seavers


The CIA announced Monday that Molly Hale, the pseudonymous agent fielding questions from the public, will now take inquiries via Twitter with #AskMollyHale. Almost immediately, the trolls rolled in.

Since 2002, CIA agents have been answering emails, faxes, phone calls, and letters under the name Molly Hale. The CIA says various agents have acted as Molly, although it’s unclear whether running the service is a full-time role or part-time duty.

In its announcement on its website Monday, the CIA explained that a new column called Ask Molly will tackle civilians’ questions posted to Twitter and Facebook with #AskMollyHale.

Some on Twitter took the opportunity to ask questions in earnest.

But many others had questions that might prove more difficult for Molly to answer.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like the CIA will be up for tackling the tough queries. The agency said Molly won’t respond to “conspiracies, theories, trolls, or spam.” She also won’t answer questions related to applying to the CIA for employment, the Freedom of Information Act, or—obviously—anything classified.


The Daily Dot