Anthony Blinken

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‘You’re under the influence’: Secretary of State Blinken’s New Year’s Eve post praising U.S. global efforts in 2023 gets roasted

Posters dinged Blinken for American foreign policy in the past year.


Marlon Ettinger


A New Year’s Eve post by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken got roasted on X after Blinken said that the past year was one where friends and partners took “unprecedented” steps to share “leadership” with the U.S.

“In a year of profound tests, the world looked to the United States to lead and that’s just what we did,” Blinken wrote in the early evening post. “It was also a year when our friends and partners took significant —at times even unprecedented—steps to share with us the responsibility of leadership.”

Blinken’s post took a drubbing from all quarters, with a lot of his critics focusing on what they characterized as America’s international isolation due to its unwavering support for the way Israel is conducting its war in the Gaza Strip.

“If anything, the world is looking to the United States to mind its own business and stop supporting war on civilians with their taxpayer money,” wrote @Tammamo. “While you’re at it, maybe use those billions to give your citizens free healthcare!”

Multiple posters questioned American global leadership by pointing to the fact that the United States was one of only a few countries in the United Nations to join with Israel to oppose resolutions supporting a ceasefire.

The current stage of the Israel-Palestine war, which was relaunched after an Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that killed around 1,200 Israelis, including civilians, has left over 20,000 Palestinians dead as of last week, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health.

“The world looked to the United States to lead,” @Jairo_I_Funez posted mockingly next to a screenshot of a Dec. 12 UN vote on an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire.” In that vote, the U.S. was one of just ten countries, alongside Austria, Czechia, Guatemala, Israel, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, and Paraguay, who voted against the resolution, with 153 countries supporting it.

The U.S. also vetoed an early December Security Council resolution that called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, reported France24.

“2023 will be forever tarnished as the year the US callously buried its remaining shreds of international reputation and dignity,” posted @AcylManany, referencing the votes. “By vetoing multiple ceasefires in Gaza and actively supporting Israel in the ongoing genocide with weapons, ammunition, and international coverage, the US has cemented itself as a heartless contributor to global suffering, from Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Africa.”

Curtis Morrison, an immigration attorney who has sued Blinken in his formal capacity on behalf of a variety of clients disputing their delayed or denied visa applications, also posted a list of immigration limitations Blinken and the Biden administration have set up or continued from Trump, accusing them of “continuing…a pseudo-Muslim ban.”

“Put aside Gaza & Ukraine, explain these 10 examples of leadership,” Morrison wrote.

Other posters gave less specific criticism of Blinken and the Biden administration, opting for mockery instead.

“You’re just trolling us now,” wrote @arnau1700.

“Y’all somehow managed to make our standing in the world worse than the last guy did,” added @ritaresarian.

“Mr. Blinken. It seems like it was quite a busy night for you! And it’s obvious that you’re under the influence of alcohol,” wrote @Malek_Almadani. “For your safety and the safety of the world, I kindly ask you to step away from the wheel and let both you and the United States take a taxi this year. We wouldn’t want you crashing into the Christmas tree or running over Santa Claus as he returns home!”

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