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Anonymous declares war on Hunter Moore

Anonymous wants to turn the tables on Moore, releasing his personal information online. 


Kevin Morris


Anonymous, the hacker group known for ambitious acts of Web vigilantism, has finally declared war on Hunter Moore, the revenge porn pioneer and more-or-less most-hated man on the Internet.

Moore horrified privacy rights advocates and most decent people everywhere last week when he announced that not only was he launching a new iteration of his notorious revenge porn site, he was adding a stalking feature. Jilted jerks would now be able to shame their exes by both sending Moore private nudes—which he’d publish, no questions asked—but also terrify them by revealing personal information, including their home addresses.

Moore later backtracked on the proposed stalking feature, claiming he was “drunk and coked out” when he revealed the plans to BetaBeat’s Jessica Roy in a New York bar last Wednesday night.  Of course, shortly after backpedaling, Moore also stated: “if someone fucking got killed over my site I’d make a shit ton of money, I’m not gonna lie.”

Anonymous wants to turn the tables on Moore. Earlier today, they released his home address, telephone number, and other personal information in a Pastebin doc. They’re calling it #OpHuntHunter, a branch of the broader anti-bullying operation #OpAntiBully, which was launched in the wake of the Amanda Todd suicide.

In a statement published to Vimeo, the group wrote:

This is a call to all Anonymous worldwide, you have a chance to make a real difference in the lives of hundreds of bullied teenagers and protect them from real harm such as rape or stalking.

Hunter Moore, Founder of previous revenge pornography site is coming back stronger than ever from the shutdown of his previous website. This capitalist makes money off of the misery of others.

Much of Moore’s personal information has long been available online, but the group’s leader told BetaBeat much of that was “misleading or outdated.” He’s also claimed that “hundreds if not thousands” of hackers have joined the cause. As you might expect, Moore seems wholly nonplussed about the whole affair. His website is still up. And on Twitter he responded directly to the Anonymous threat: “ LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL”

Photo via Hunter Moore/Twitter

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