
Will Smith used his Jimmy Fallon appearance to hilariously promote his YouTube channel

Smith admitted he’d gone ‘YouTube stupid.’

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

Will Smith Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon YouTube channel

To celebrate his 1 million YouTube subscribers, only three months after creating his own channel, Will Smith showed behind the scenes footage of his appearance this week on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. He also introduced a SnorriCam that he wore around his waist during his visit.

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Sure, you might have already seen the now-viral clip of Smith and Fallon performing a blazing sitcom medley. But now you can watch his appearance as if you were standing directly in front of Smith’s face the entire time.

Plus, look out for the drone that is flown to make Smith’s channel even more exciting.


As Smith apparently told Fallon backstage, he’s gone “YouTube stupid.” And maybe he’s right. But hey, at least we saw a view of the Tonight Show that we don’t normally get to experience.

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