Michelle Wolf at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

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Hell is the aftermath of the White House correspondents’ dinner

Groans of a nation.


David Covucci


They say hell is other people, but truly, hell is other people’s opinion on the White House correspondents’ dinner.

The White House correspondents’ dinner—an annual gala held between White House officials and the press that is so masturbatory it puts 12-year-old boys to shame—has always been the height of lunacy.

Journalists, who are supposed to hold these people accountable for their actions, instead invite them to dress up, rub elbows, toss back cocktails, and be merry while the Republic burns around them. It’s supposed to be the one day a year where the animosity is put aside. And every year it’s rightfully decreed for the sham that it is, but this year, the calls are coming from inside the gala.

After comedian Michelle Wolf performed a standup set—which you can watch here and then shut your mouth about what you think about it because it doesn’t matter (and also because it was objectively funny)—former and current White House officials as well as practicing journalists lost their fucking minds.

Wolff, whose targets ranged from CNN to President Donald Trump to MSNBC to Kellyanne Conway to Russia collusion conspiracy theorists—which you may notice is a group of people loosely known as “everyone”—infuriated those who believe slavish devotion to the anodyne is something to be lauded.

The whole process got so ridiculous that the White House Correspondents’ Association, which hosts the annual dinner and is an organization devoted to (ostensibly!!!) journalism, issued an apology for Wolff not delivering a unifying message.

(The press and the government are not supposed to come together. Ever.)

Which brought about its own set of takes.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department was removing sections about press freedom and racial gerrymandering from its best practices manual.


Perhaps the only person who had the correct take in all of this was Trump. He boycotted the dinner last year over his feud with the press. He didn’t attend this year.

On Twitter, he called for it to be canceled. Which it should be.

Imagine that.

Something made everyone so dumb it made the president look smart.

The Daily Dot