Finn Wolfhard covers New Order's 'Age of Consent' at Strange '80s Benefit

Screengrab via Lyndsey Parkey/YouTube

‘Stranger Things’ star totally nails this New Order classic onstage

The ‘Stranger Things’ actor knows how to stay on brand.


Audra Schroeder


Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard knows how to stay on brand.

Wolfhard, who plays Mike Wheeler in the ’80s-set Netflix series, tagged in for the Sweet Relief benefit this weekend, which featured Weird Al, Tenacious D, and more covering songs from the ’80s. Wolfhard took the stage with his band and covered New Order’s classic “Age of Consent.” It’s a big leap from last year’s Nirvana cover.

According to Twitter, he’ll be playing more live shows soon.

H/T Uproxx 

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