Jacobs Kane for Mayor

Screengrab via Jacobs for Mayor/YouTube

Glenn Jacobs, also known as Kane, is running for mayor. Yes, the wrestler

Now an insurance agency owner and running on Libertarian principles, Jacobs announced his run at Knoxville’s Sweet Pea’s BBQ


Kahron Spearman


WWE star Kane is running for mayor. That’s right, in real life, 49-year-old wrestler Glenn Jacobs will be attempting to supplant current Knox County, Tennessee Mayor Tim Burchett, a term-limited Republican.

Now also an insurance agency owner and running on Libertarian principles, Jacobs announced his run this week at Knoxville’s Sweet Pea’s BBQ, because of course he did. He also released his first campaign video.


Naturally, he’s enthusiastic about Knox County:

I’ve lived in East Tennessee for over 20 years at this point. It’s just a great place. I love it here. My family loves it here, and I just want to have as much positive impact on things as I possibly can.

He’s got a lot of promises for his constituency as well:

As Knox County mayor, I promise to keep taxes low and make Knox County a place everyone can be proud of. I see my role as that of a facilitator among the different communities in our area. And also I think that Mayor Burchett has done a very good job with transparency in government and I would continue along those lines.

Jacobs initially rose to prominence as Kane, the Undertaker’s demonized brother and two-time heavyweight champion. In recent storylines, however, he’s become a corporatized Kane, speaking more and wearing a suit.

As unusual as this run seems on the surface, one of the sport’s icons reminds you not to overlook political wrestlers:

Perhaps Jacobs can get Jim Ross to announce all of his municipal decisions.

The Daily Dot