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Photo via Saturday Night Live/YouTube

Donald Trump wants ‘SNL’ canceled after latest debate sketch

Good luck with that.


Miles Klee


In case you were worried about Donald Trump running out of people, places, and things to insult over the final three weeks of his catastrophic presidential campaign, here’s what America’s Next Top Election Loser had to say about last night’s episode of Saturday Night Live:

Funny that Trump now feels this way about the long-running sketch show standby, which has been consistently lampooning politicians for… [checks watch] 41 years. I mean, he did happily host the damn thing last November. Could it be that he objects to SNL‘s wholly accurate depiction of his town hall debate performance, courtesy of the stinky Alec Baldwin?

Or was it this Lemonade-style, scorched-earth short about the women in his life who don’t feel like defending his sexual predations any longer?

You know, people are always saying Trump is thin-skinned, but that assumes he has any skin at all—he’s really more of a peeled butternut squash. Donald wants SNL off the air because it’s “boring and unfunny”? It’s like he’s forgotten his TV remote has an on/off button.

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