Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks is a bi-weekly column that answers the most pressing internet security questions web_crawlr readers have to make sure they can navigate the ‘net safely. It runs on Mondays in the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter. If you want to read this column before everyone else, sign up for the newsletter here. If you have a question you want answered, ask it here.

What to do if TikTok gets banned

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: What to do if TikTok gets banned

There will be numerous ways to continue accessing TikTok even if the app disappears.

On by Mikael Thalen

How to 'Bleach' Your Hard Drive Like Hillary Clinton. In the bottom right corner is a Your Password Sucks logo in a Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr font.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: How to ‘bleach’ your hard drive like Hillary Clinton

You don’t actually have to use bleach.

On by Mikael Thalen

A person pressing a red delete key. In the bottom left corner is a 'Your Password Sucks' column logo in a web_crawlr font.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: The best way to remove your personal information online

Removing your data from prominent data brokers can offer you a bit more privacy.

On by Mikael Thalen

A computer with a PDF on it. In the top right corner is the Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr column Your Password Sucks logo.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: How to safely open suspicious PDFs

There’s a simple way to do it.

On by Mikael Thalen

A hacktivist answers common security questions

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: A hacktivist answers common security questions

We asked a hacktivist questions that are commonly asked.

On by Mikael Thalen

A person holding a phone with an updating logo on it. The Your Password Sucks web_crawlr column logo is in the top left corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: How often should I update my devices?

Updates are a necessary—although often annoying—requirement when it comes to your digital devices.

On by Mikael Thalen

is apple pay safe: A person using Apple Pay on their phone. The Your Password Sucks web_crawlr column logo is in the top left corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: Is Apple Pay a safe payment method?

Are you better off continuing to use your physical debit card or should you make the switch?

On by Mikael Thalen

Man using smartphone with facial recognition system at home. Security application scanning his face for approving owner's identity

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: Why not use your face as a universal password?

Security isn’t a one-size-fits-all issue.

On by Mikael Thalen

A person holding a phone with the Signal app on it. The Daily Dot newsletter column Your Password Sucks logo is in the top left corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: Tools to take your security to the next level

Maybe you’ll be interested in using them too.

On by Mikael Thalen

DefCon posters

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: Testing the O.MG Cable at DefCon

What if you couldn’t even trust your own charging cord?

On by Mikael Thalen

A Phone with DuckDuckGo on it. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr column logo for 'Your Password Sucks' is in the top right corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: Do browsers like DuckDuckGo really keep my online browsing and surfing safer?

If privacy is your biggest concern, using DuckDuckGo is definitely a better option than Google.

On by Mikael Thalen

An email icon with a magnifying glass on it. The 'Your Password Sucks' column logo for the web_crawlr column is in the top right corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: How do I stay safe from malicious pixels?

Tracking pixels have a wide range of users.

On by Mikael Thalen

what is a botnet - A person typing on a computer, with different dots connected to it representing a botnet. The Your Password Sucks logo for the web_crawlr newsletter is in the upper right corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: What is a botnet?

Should you be worried about botnets and how can you protect against them?

On by Mikael Thalen

A phone with an email icon floating above it. The Your Password Sucks column logo is in the top right corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: Is there a safe email app?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to safety.

On by Mikael Thalen

Multiple browser app icons. The web_crawlr column Your Password Sucks logo is in the top left corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: What browser is the safest?

Many may question which option is the best or safest. But the answer is a bit more complex.

On by Mikael Thalen

The Daily Dot