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With Herman Cain out of the GOP race, only Twitter parodies remain

Herman Cain leaves Twitter parody accounts in his wake.


Fernando Alfonso III


The Herman Cain presidential campaign is over and nobody is sadder than the folks who created more than a dozen Twitter accounts parodying the former Godfather Pizza chief executive.

In a lengthy speech Saturday, Cain announced that he was suspending his campaign for the Republican nomination.

“My wife didn’t say ‘Do it or don’t do it.’ She just said, ‘I support you.’ I recognized the pain in her. And the pain it was causing her and my family because of the constant spinning [and] spinning, when the allegations were false and unproved to begin with, that just wasn’t something that I wanted her and family to continue to go through,” Cain said at a press conference in Atlanta, Ga.


Cain’s meteoric rise to top of the Republican presidential race over the last two months has been overshadowed by allegations from four different women who say Cain allegedly sexually harassed them.

All along, more than 15 different Twitter accounts have been parodying Cain’s accusers, his wife and the man, himself. Combined, these account have more than 3,500 followers.

Most of these followers belong to  a dozen different accounts parodying Cain. At the top is @DemocratMachine, a parody account inspired by a speech Cain gave about a month ago following a sexual harassment claim from former National Restaurant Association employee Sharon Bialek.

“We are the Democrat Machine, one machine, united we stand,” tweeted the account moments after Cain bowed out of the race. “We’ve soaked each other in champagne. It’s like we won the World Series. You’re next Newt!”

Now that Cain has put an end to his presidential aspirations, the folks behind these parody accounts will have to find some other way to occupy their time.

Until then, here are some funny tweets from the Cain parody accounts.

Photo by Gage Skidmore

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