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Illustration by Max Fleishman

Why Michelle Obama should be the First Lady of Tumblr

Now that Michelle Obama has dipped her toes into social media, it’s time for the First Lady to dive into Tumblr. 


Jordan Valinsky


Michelle Obama finally sent her first tweet yesterday. While that’s a notable first step online, the First Lady’s love of fashion and food would translate better to Tumblr, the surging blog website that allows user to post all their interests in one place.

Here are five reasons why Michelle needs to log on and join.

Tumblr is the Internet equivalent of a massive, ongoing fashion week, without the nerves of falling down on the catwalk. Michelle would love following, liking, and reblogging the vibrant fashion community on Tumblr. And, how fantastic would it be if Michelle posted a gratuitous picture of her outfit everyday? Also, she should totally apply and become a fashion blogger for New York Fashion week.

Michelle’s ambitious project to get us all to eat healthy is certainly something that will gain traction on Tumblr, since food is treated like an art form on it. She could take pictures of everything she eats, share her recipes (or whatever the White House is cooking that night), and offer healthy eating tips.

Let’s be honest: Michelle has jacked arms that we are all secretly jealous of. On her Tumblr, she could record her work outs and share her arm toning techniques. She could also show off her favorite Lululemon gear, MTV Cribs-style. With Michelle’s motivation and motherly affection, this might encourage many of us to go to the gym.

After Michelle’s arms, her iPod is probably the second most talked about thing she has. Bumping with tunes from Beyonce to Stevie Wonder, her music posts would certainly fit in nicely with the other high-brow music blogs that permeate the Tumblrsphere. Now if we could just help her create a Soundcloud playlist to embed into her posts…

We need more pictures of Obama family’s dog, Bo, and Michelle would be the perfect curator for it. Bo on a walk with Michelle! Bo sleeping in the Oval Office! Bo chewing on Michelle’s Missoni for Target blouse! Her posts could give Tumblr’s dog tag more life and give Huffington Post’s “Big News” page about Bo some competition.

Illustration by Max Fleishman

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