Apparently, some companies haven’t quite got the memo about the existence of “Bring Your Daughter to Work Day.” A TikToker says she was fired from her grocery store cashier job for letting her toddler-aged daughter scan customers’ groceries on the checkout lane.
On Saturday, TikTok user Brittany Crevar (@brittanycrevar) posted a 5-year-old video that shows Crevar’s daughter scanning groceries as she sits in her mom’s lap during her work shift.
However, according to Crevar, the several-year-old video, which as of this article has over 1,3 million views on TikTok, got her fired from her job at the grocery store chain—since identified as multi-national discount grocery chain Aldi in a follow-up video by Crevar.
The Daily Dot has reached out to Aldi via email for a statement.
“The famous video that literally got me fired 5 years ago,” Crevar writes in the video’s screen text. “I thought she was adorable as f*ck but she got me like 10 violations in a 90-second video lol.”
The video shows her daughter on mom’s lap as she scans grocery items and drops them into a nearby cart (with an assist from mom so they don’t land too noisily). Crevar then prompts her to hit the total button and announce the amount to their customer, who is audibly amused.
Crevar does not go into detail as to what rules she violated or the terms of her dismissal. The Daily Dot has reached out to her via TikTok for a statement.
@brittanycrevar ♬ original sound – Brittany
Most of her viewers fail to see what exactly Crevar did to deserve her termination. And most seem to agree that her ‘helper” is a positive rather than a negative.
“I would’ve came back just to have her check me out again she’s so cute,” claimed Marina Henry (@huffle.puff.2004). (@livssmain.420) wrote that Crevar’s daughter is more skilled at scanning groceries than she is. “The way she gets the scan right the first time and I have to look for for like 2min before I can find it on the item.”
“Worth it. Memories she’ll never forget,” one viewer noted and Crevar agreed, replying “Absolutely.”
One former grocery worker claimed “I used to do this all the time with the kids at my work. They’d totally help ring up groceries- highlight of their days.”
It’s not known what job Crevar currently has, but she is still raising her daughter, who often “stars” in Crevar’s other TikToks.