statue of liberty


Woman climbs base of Statue of Liberty to protest—and Twitter loves it

Other protesters were arrested for brandishing an ‘Abolish ICE’ banner.


David Covucci


A woman was surrounded by police on Wednesday after she climbed the base of the Statue of Liberty.

The woman is believed to be a protester, according to multiple news outlets.

Seven people were arrested earlier in the day on Liberty Island as part of a protest by a group called Rise and ResistBuzzFeed News reports. They were at one point brandishing a sign that read “Abolish ICE” at the statue’s base.

The climber is not affiliated with Rise and Resist, according to a tweet from the organization.

The protest comes on the Fourth of July, America’s birthday, as protests have swirled around the country over President Donald Trump‘s treatment of immigrants.

On Twitter, people on the left cheered on the climber and other protesters.

Naturally, those on the right hated it.

The Statue of Liberty became a flashpoint when Trump advisor Stephen Miller—an immigration hardliner—claimed the Statue of Liberty didn’t support immigrants.

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