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Leslie Jones supporters are showing up in droves to decry racist, sexist hack

#LoveForLeslieJ is back in full-force.


Jaya Saxena


Earlier this week, actress Leslie Jones’s website was hacked, and attackers leaked personal information, documents, and even nude photos. In light of the attack, the hashtags #LoveforLeslieJ and #StandWithLeslie are back, with fans and celebrities showing support for Jones after the abuses she’s endured.

She’s even received words of support from Hillary Clinton.

The hashtag first made an appearance after Jones received an onslaught of misogynistic and racist hate, led by Milo Yiannopoulos, on Twitter following the premier of Ghostbusters. Jones left Twitter for a while, and the incident highlighted not just the lack of protections against abuse on the platform, but the specific abuses black women face online.

Leslie Jones hasn’t tweeted since before the attack, but the Department of Homeland Security is investigating the incident. The hackers could theoretically face 30 years in prison

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