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Trump tweets about ‘caravans’ of immigrants after Fox segment airs

Trump went on another wild Twitter spree this morning.


David Covucci


President Donald Trump spent his Easter railing against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, before finally declaring it dead this morning.

The statement from the president comes almost a month after the program officially expired, although it has been kept on life support through various rulings from federal courts.

This morning, before attacking the program he willfully ended, Trump also went after “caravans” of people supposedly coming from Central America into the United States through Mexico, mistakenly saying Mexico needed to secure its northern border.

Stopping them at the northern border would mean the caravans were coming from America into Mexico. The president most likely meant their southern border.

As many noticed, the tweet came after Fox & Friends ran a segment on 1,200 people who are seeking asylum in Mexico City, speculating about whether “two-thirds” of them would come to the U.S. via “caravans.”

Trump also tweeted about caravans on Sunday, calling them a hindrance to a DACA deal. On Sunday, though, he correctly stated the issue was at Mexico’s southern border.

This morning, Trump also casually demanded an end to the filibuster, so the Senate could pass border legislation he wanted.

The Daily Dot