
Sophia Bush tells off creepy dude on plane in open Twitter letter

‘Stop believing you’re entitled to make me uncomfortable.’

Photo of Jessica Machado

Jessica Machado

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If you’re a woman, you know what it’s like for a man to feel entitled to your time and space. There’s the classic instruction to “smile” or “shake dat” as you walk down the street. Or, my personal favorite, the dude who leans in too close to you on public transportation and breathes something creepy and unclever in your ear. 

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Chicago P.D. actress Sophia Bush experienced such a situation on Friday when a man sitting next to her on a plane “ignored all visual clues to please leave her alone.” Because the guy didn’t get the hint, she penned an open letter on Twitter to let all creepy dudes on the planet know to knock it off. 


Bush said she gave the the stranger many, many clues that she was not interested in having a conversation—pulling out a book, putting on a hat, telling him not to speak in the tone and with the words he was using—until she eventually got up and moved seats. 

She ends her post by saying, “In my case, stop believing you’re entitled to make me uncomfortable because you ‘watch my TV show’ so I owe you some magical debt… You do not get to harass me, or any woman, because you think you pay our bills. You don’t, bro. I DO.”

Amen. The plane-riding, subway-catching, sidewalking-having women of the world thank you.

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