racist teenagers


Snapchat video shows teens discussing ‘how to get rid of Black people and Jews’

One said put Black people ‘in concentration camps and just bomb them.’


Alex Dalbey


A Snapchat video of Alabama high school students using racial slurs and talking about putting Black people in concentration camps has gone viral, shocking people locally and online.

In the video, the teens appear to be drinking alcohol, while laughing and making horrific “jokes” about Black and Jewish people. One young man says, “Fuck n*****s, fuck Jews” and a girl responds, “Jews are fine because they’re white. We just need the n*****s gone.”

Another young man says, “If the Holocaust never happened, Jews would be running the world,” as the other teens in the room laugh and appear to agree. Then, one student says that they should stick Black people “in concentration camps and just bomb them.” The other students laugh while another girl says, “No, you have to wait until they die.”

The video made it to social media where outrage over the teens genocidal “jokes” spread like wildfire.

Hoover School District Superintendent Kathy Murphy confirmed for AL.com that the students attend Spain Park and Hoover High Schools, both located in Hoover, a suburb of Birmingham. “We are exceptionally sad and disappointed that this would either be the attitude of some of our young people or whatever would prompt them to have such conversations,” said Murphy, who was made aware of the video Sunday night.

Hoover City Councilman Derrick Murphy also spoke out about the video. “I am saddened by the words and thoughts of these children,” the councilman said to AL.com. “There is no excuse for hate speech; or hate for that matter. This does not represent our city.”

As of yet, school officials have not announced if there will be any punishment for the students, although they may not be able to do anything as the video was recorded outside of school grounds.


H/T Daily Mail

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