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How Reddit reunited a woman and her hurt puppy

Reddit’s love for animals has no bounds.


Fernando Alfonso III


A woman and her puppy, Jack, were standing outside of a medical center in Houston when the dog sprinted off into the street and was hit by a truck. As she ran to Jack’s aid, the dog got up and ran away. She couldn’t keep up.

Desperate and heartbroken, the woman turned to Reddit to help find him.

“Most days, going running with him is my favorite part of the whole day,” she wrote on r/dogpictures, using the name p1percub. “He is wearing a collar, and it has my full name and my cell phone number on it. I haven’t set my phone down for even a second, I want that call so badly.”

She posted Jack’s information on Craigslist and sent it to a list of people involved in animal rescue around Houston. She also shared the following photo of Jack on Imgur.


By Tuesday, p1percub received a private message. It was from a redditor named hominine who had spotted Jack at a parking lot near a grocery store. 

“When he tried to approach, Jack ran across the street and inside the fence of the same big open grassy area that I had been playing with him in [Monday],” p1percub said. 

By the time p1percub got there, hominine and at least one other person were trying to keeping an eye on Jack. P1percub rushed the dog to the vet.

“The vet says he’s totally fine, just some scrapes and bruises,” p1percub wrote. “He gave me some pain meds for Jack, and I had Jack chipped and filled out the paperwork for his [tracking] chip while we were there. I feel like I owe the world (and reddit) a whole shit load of karma right now.”

Reddit’s love for animals has no bounds.

Countless redditors, like ManofManyCats in 2011, have given abandoned cats new homes. In May 2012, the community donated $7,000 and veterinary costs to help an Indiana man who lost his three cats and his apartment in a fire.

Photo by Tommy Klumker/Flickr

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