A man tries on his girlfriend's fake eyelashes in a viral tweet.

Photos via NATEGAWD/Twitter Remix by Samantha Grasso

Boyfriends of internet show their girlfriends love by trying on their fake eyelashes

Putting on your partner’s day-old lashes is some next level intimacy.


Samantha Grasso



What do you do when you’re home alone and really missing your partner?

Why, you soothe yourself by wearing their fake eyelashes, of course.

That’s the premise behind a popular Twitter thread that has both men and women sharing photos of themselves wearing their partners’ forgotten falsies. Started by Nathan Ontiveros, a YouTuber from Dallas, the thread chronicles the seemingly niche but apparently extremely relatable qualm of partners plagued with their loved one’s leftover lashes.


Tens of men and women joined Ontiveros—whose girlfriend is professional makeup YouTuber Brittney Kay Graza—in putting their partners on blash, sharing selfies featuring fake lashes under their eyes and as mustaches and more.


Ontiveros told the Daily Dot over email that he took the picture after Garza asked him if he had seen her lashes around the house. However, he had no idea the photo would bring such a shared response.

“When I found them I took these pics thinking it would be funny to post,” Ontiveros wrote. “When I saw that people were tweeting pics with their partners’ lashes on their face, I was more happy than anything! It’s nice to see people having fun on Twitter and not being so serious all the time!”

Garza told the Daily Dot that she has a “bad habit” of forgetting to put her lashes in their boxes and leaving them with Ontiveros instead. She’s been happy to see so many couples sharing photos of each other, though, and feels the tweet is a reflection of their relationship, too.

“We have been together for a year, and yes, our relationship is extremely goofy and full of pranks and jokes,” Garza wrote. “My boyfriend makes tons of parody videos, so every day it’s something new.”





Just look at all these beaming dudes, daring to put on your day-old feathers—caked up makeup, stale glue, and all—and just straight-up grinning about it. I wouldn’t even do that with my own dirty falsies. Now, that is love.

One man even keeps a pair of his girlfriend’s falsies “close.” For when he misses her too much, y’know.



Even the women in these eyelash-sharing relationships have posted pics of their boos trying on their falsies, no shame.






Single ladies, too, have men in their lives who are curious about the wonderful world of false lashes. Honestly, how can you not be? They’re gorgeous and easy to apply (if they’re just going for a trial run, that is)—which is about as good as it gets when it comes to makeup.


And, yes, women are aware they’re leaving behind precious lash gold, and they’re owning it without batting an eye (lash… OK, OK, last pun, I swhair).

At least some of them are trying to get it right.



Though, to be completely honest, the winner of this lash-off is the original photo of Ontiveros, but with just the lashes. 


Update 4pm CT, May 3: This story has been updated with original responses from Ontiveros and Garza.

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*First Published:

The Daily Dot