Matt Gaetz

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff/Flickr (CC-BY)

Republican congressman turns latest immigrant caravan into conspiracy theory

This theory makes no sense.


David Covucci


Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A caravan of immigrants is on its way to the United States, and if the few thousand people in it reach our border, it will tear apart the fabric of America.

If you remember that as an extremely hyped up but really inconsequential existential threat that utterly fizzled out, you’d be right. In May, a caravan of migrants approached the United States, they were denied entry, and that was … that. Far as anyone can tell, the general institution known as America has remained.

So why is this exact same situation, which was resolved relatively easily (at least from a Trumpian, anti-immigrant standpoint), suddenly a doomsday scenario for Republicans?

Couldn’t have anything to do with an election approaching.

On Fox & Friends, GOP elder statesman Newt Gingrich said as much, noting that: “Two words will define the 2018 election – Kavanaugh and caravan.”

If it seems just a tad coincidental that a caravan of migrants is approaching the southern border and could rip America apart before the election, well, Rep. Matt Gaetz has a theory that will blow your mind.

It’s not a coincidence at all.

Gaetz, who has used his Twitter feed to push conspiracies before, said that liberal mega-donor George Soros, a Republican boogeyman, has possibly launched his most nefarious plot yet: hiring people to join a caravan of migrants that… Republicans will use for the next three weeks to rally their base and ensure conservatives keep the House.

Is the goal of 3-D chess to lose? Who knows.

Of course, there’s no logic behind it being funded by Soros whatsoever, but you toss a bone like this to Twitter, and of course, it explodes.

Even Newt Gingrich, who said the caravan would define the election, wants to know who is paying for it.

It’s likely no one is paying for the caravan. But of all theories, it makes the least sense for it to be Democrats footing the bill.

Especially when you see who is getting hyped up about it as Election Day approaches.

The Daily Dot