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Photo via Just Cuddle/Indiegogo

Step into the world of professional cuddling with ‘Just Cuddle’ webseries

Getting paid for cuddling is an actual thing you can do.


Jaya Saxena


Cuddling services are totally a thing now, so if you’re thinking of getting into it professionally, you might want to check out “Just Cuddle,” a webseries that’s fundraising on Indiegogo for its second season. 

The fictional series dives into the life of a professional cuddler and her “eccentric clients.” In a trailer for the series, we meet men and women who just want to be held for $100/hour fee.

While some may think that spooning is totally over, according to the website for cuddling app Spoonr, “our culture doesn’t have a space for closeness without pressure. Hooking up is certainly not always a bad thing, but there’s definitely an under-explored time and a place for a more gentle, no-pressure intimacy.” 

Honestly, this sounds like a fantastic idea. Who doesn’t want to snuggle sometimes? Unfortunately, though, there are those who think that paying for cuddling is just foreplay for sex. 

Recently, Rachel Cassandra wrote for VICE about being a cuddler-for-pay, and running into clients who, despite agreeing that no sexual touch was allowed, kept trying to push those boundaries. Which is perhaps the best argument for cuddling services in the first place—to teach that touch can have value without sexual connotations. 

Then again, you could always just get a body pillow. It’s probably less awkward that way. 

The Daily Dot