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Your guide to hashtagging through every day of the week



Jaya Saxena


If it seems like there are dozens of hashtags giving themes to every single day of the week out there, it’s because, well, there are. From #mondayblues to #sundayselfies, you can #engage with social media all week long. Here’s our guide on how to make sure your Instagram account never misses a day.


Mondays are rough, and you may need some help beating away the #mondayblues. For that, get yourself some #mondaymotivation, either by posting a shot of your gorgeous #manicuremonday or by scrolling through some hunks on #mcm (#mancrushmonday). Then again, if you aren’t into hunks (why?) you can show off your cat with #meowmonday.


You have yet another way to look at your past mistakes (or great selfies) with #fbf (#flashbackfriday), but otherwise, Fridays are for helping your friends get into the weekend. Suggest someone to #followfriday, or tell people what you’re reading with #fridayreads. Or you can just say how you’re #fridayfeeling.

The Daily Dot