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ABC News/YouTube

GoFundMe campaigns raise $700K—and counting—for Christine Blasey Ford

One fundraiser has reached twice its goal.


Kris Seavers


GoFundMe campaigns have raised more than $700,000 in donations for Christine Blasey Ford, ABC News reports.

Multiple crowdfunding campaigns were launched to raise money for Ford after she came public earlier this month with sexual assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. On Thursday, both Ford and Kavanaugh testified about the accusations before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

One GoFundMe campaign designated to “help Christine Blasey Ford” has raised more than $500,000, more than twice its original goal. Another page meant to cover her “security costs”  has raised more than $200,000. After being identified publicly as Kavanaugh’s accuser, Ford faced death threats, was impersonated online, and had to move with her family and hire private security, the New York Times reported.

“Let’s create a fund to cover her security expenses, to do just a bit to make it easier for women in her position to come forward despite great risks,” wrote Heidi Feldman, who organized the security GoFundMe page. “If we raise more than Dr. Blasey needs, extra funds will go to women’s organizations and/or into an account to cover similar costs incurred in comparable situations.”

A spokesperson for GoFundMe, Katherine Cichy, told ABC News the website is assisting campaign organizers to “guarantee the funds raised will be transferred directly to the Ford family.”

“We are working directly with all campaign organizers and guarantee the funds raised will be transferred directly to the Ford family,” said, adding, “To be very clear, we have designated the Ford family as the beneficiary of these funds. We cannot take the money out or otherwise direct the funds.”


H/T ABC News

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