
The software behind Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters is on sale for 50% off

Write the next great screenplay.

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The Daily Dot Bazaar

final draft 10

Whether you’re a screenwriting vet or a total noob working on your very first script, having the right tool to help you out is key. What software out there can help make the creative process easier? Final Draft 10.

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Writing a screenplay in Microsoft Word is the most annoying thing ever. Which is why Final Draft 10 was created (well, probably). It streamlines your creative process by automatically formatting your work to industry standards. It even helps you plan everything out in excessive detail while offering over 100 templates to choose from. With the latest version, you can also collaborate with a writing partner and outline better than before.

Luckily, if you already started your script in MS Word, you can import it. And if you’re one of those indecisive, perfectionist types, you can store multiple lines of dialogue in the same script (so you can choose later what works best). If you screw up and turn off your computer without saving, it will even bless you with a backup.

Join the pros at NBC Universal, Paramount, ABC and beyond and get Final Draft 10 for $124.99 from the Daily Dot store — that’s half off the usual price of $249.99.


Buy it here


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